Perinatal Community of Practice Engagement Event: Summary Report

On March 1, over 130 family physicians, specialists, health care providers, Ministry staff, and Doctors of BC staff came together at the Sheraton Wall Centre in Vancouver for an annual gathering focused on improving the quality of perinatal care throughout BC.


See below for a short summary of the day’s events. You can also review the full agenda and report.

  • The Perinatal Community of Practice (CoP) Annual Gathering opened with a traditional welcome and prayer led by Squamish Nation Elder Syexwáliya.
  • Dr Ahmer Karimuddin, president, Doctors of BC gave opening remarks, speaking specifically to his past experiences working with the JCCs and communities of practice. He emphasized the importance of working together to improve the quality of health care throughout the province.
  • Hillary McBride, PhD, RPsych, presented on trauma-informed care, discussed what trauma is, the various shapes in which it presents itself, the timeline for pre-natal, perinatal, and post-natal trauma, and shared anecdotes about dealing with traumatic experiences during the maternity care journey. 
  • Brian Evoy, PhD, Director at British Columbia Pediatric Society, facilitated group discussions with guiding questions surrounding resilience in practice and and providing care.
  • The group watched a PowerPoint presentation including patient stories and describing the post-partum journey.
  • Brian Evoy, introduced the presentation booths out in the hall and encouraged participants to visit them and learn about the work each group does to contribute to perinatal care in BC.
  • Brian Evoy introduced three panelists:
    • Allison Ellier, Public Health Registered Nurse.
    • Tobi Reid, Registered Midwife.
    • Dr Brenda Wagner, OB/GYN.
  • The panelists listened to case studies and gave their thoughts on how they would approach each situation based on their varying professional and personal experiences. 
  • The group once again broke up into groups and shared a tabletop discussion on optimizing perinatal care.
  • Dr Shelley Ross, family physician and co-chair of the Perinatal CoP Steering Committee, and Dr Julie Wood, OB/GYN and co-chair of the Perinatal CoP Steering Committee summarized the day’s events and gave closing remarks.
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